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Release Notes 2021-05-23

Portfolio and Account Credit Line

DECAF now incorporates the concept of Credit Line for Portfolios and Accounts.

If there is a credit line defined for a portfolio or account, they can be specified as a scheduled record. For example, if Account A has a credit line fascility, users can specify it in a scheduled way:

  1. Account A has a credit line since 2020-04-01 of USD 2,000,000, and
  2. Account A has a credit line since 2020-10-01 of USD 2,500,000.

Both can be specified as two individual rows whereby, at a given date, only one of them is effective.

The same applies to Portfolios, too.

Analytical Type on Accrual Schedules

Actually, the analytical type of an accruals schedule is inherited from the registry account's analytical type. However, registry account is now optional, therefore can be empty (hence an indicative accrual schedule), leaving us in no way to interpret why this "indicative" accrual schedule is added to database in the first place.

The newly added optional analytical type field allows us to give a hint about the reason this accrual schedule is added.

Note that if both analytical type and registry account are specified, the consistency of the analytical type of accrual schedule and the analytical type of the registry account of the accrual schedule is that they are the same. This is left to the end-user. In any case, auto-capture machinery will consider the registry account's analytical type.

Domicile Information on Account Level

We used to have Domicile information attached to the Portfolio record. Now, we have a Domicile information added to the Account record, too. This is optional (like Portfolio's Domicile) and can be used to have more granular control over account domiciles in addition to the entire mandate domicile.

More Fields on the Portfolio Record

We added new fields to the Portfolio Record model:

  • Advisor: Agency dealing with the advisory of the portfolio, if any.
  • Asset Manager: Agency dealing with the asset management of the portfolio, if any.
  • Investment Manager: Agency dealing with the investment management of the portfolio, if any (This is not a new field, but listed here for completeness).
  • Marketing Agent: Agency of the portfolio dealing with the marketing and sales of the portfolio, if any.
  • Mandate Profile: Mandate Profile of the portfolio, if any.

Necessary changes on the frontend has been applied in records forms, tabulations and filters.

Summary of DB Table and API Field Changes

ModelField TitleField Name (Rest API)Field Name (DB Field and GraphQL API)
PortfolioAsset Managerasset_managerasset_manager
PorfolioInvestment Manager (*)managerinvestment_manager
PortfolioMarketing Agentmarketing_agentmarketing_agent
PortfolioMandate Profilemandate_profilemandate_profile

*: This field already existed on DB and APIs but listed here for completeness.