Release Notes 2021-03-20
Option to Sort Holdings by Currency and Value
Holdings can now optionally be sorted by currency and valuation.
Links to Ledger on Accruals Summary
Accrual summary items on valuation reports now have links to related ledgers.
OHLC Symbol Search
OHLC symbol search has been changed to check whether a symbol contains the given full keyword phrase instead of each word in the phrase.
More specifically, old behaviour caused issues earlier whereby the user searches, for example, "UI US Equity" but API returns all matches that contain "UI", "US" and "Equity" exclusively.
Since the deployment (most likely) have hundreds of instruments with "Equity" in it, the "UI US Equity" may not appear in the first 50 results, hence user's frustration.
Now, the system is searching by whether the symbol contains (incase-sensitive) "UI US Equity" as a whole phrase or not.