Release Notes 2019-12-19
Showing External Valuations and Investments Page-By-Page under Portfolio Details
For portfolios/funds which have long history of external valuations and investments, respective pages rendered quite slow.
Now, we are paginating the history of external valuations and investments which allows faster loading of the pages.
Do not Reload cafelatte When Clicking on Links in Tables
cafelatte is a browser application. This means that the application loads in to your browser tab once, and never reloads once it is loaded. Instead, it just asks DECAF for data while you are browsing the application. This makes the application work much faster in total.
For some time, clicking on links in tables caused the application reload with the browser tab as if it is loading for the first time. This is fixed.
Fix Some Performance Regressions on cafelatte
In version v1912.1.0, we have upgraded our application dependencies. This introduced a performance regression in cafelatte.
In the previous version, we have fixed some of them. This new release addresses the rest.